Thank you for your interest in
Listen Closely, Trust Deeply.
Listen Closely, Trust Deeply is a delicious experience where you get to connect with, listen to and build more trust in your inner voice of wisdom.
And you really want to hear this voice because you know that in the busyness and humdrum of life, you’ve forgotten what you’re here for. You’ve lost contact with the dreams, the vision, the longing and aspirations you once held so dear.
You know that voice that tries to tell you the truth of what you want, how you really feel, where your life is going etc. The voice we so often ignore, silence or simply can’t hear because of all the extraneous noise of life.
I can’t promise that in 90 minutes you will emerge like a butterfly from a chrysalis – but what I can promise is that you will see a light; a way forward and you will have some positive, real steps to take and simple practices that you can use to help you find the peace and quiet you need to connect with and listen to your deep knowing at the centre of your being.
It’s from this place that you can see more clearly; feel how you really feel; make contact with your internal compass and choose which direction to take or whether to stay on course.
During the event we will be weaving together flower essence energy, sound, poetry and connection with nature to enjoy a deliciously peaceful and enriching experience.
I’ll be doing the event on two dates so you have a choice of when to attend.
These are: Monday 20th Feb at 3.30pm – 5pm and
Tuesday 21st Feb at 12.30pm – 2pm
The event will be recorded but you’ll gain more from it if you attend live.
Listen Closely, Trust Deeply is a FREE online event delivered via zoom and streamed into Facebook.
You are warmly invited to register for the event via the form below.
I’m looking forward to meeting you and helping you Listen Closely; Trust Deeply.
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